The Homemakers Prayer:

Dear LORD,

Wake Me With The Sun and Help Me To Rise

I Want To Build This House, With A Mind That Is Wise.

While I Prepare Breakfast, and Warm Up The Place, Let Me Greet My Precious Ones, With A Smile On My Face.

Help Me Love My Sweet Husband and Be The Best Wife, YOU Made Him Just For Me, For The Rest Of My Life.

As I Teach My Young Children, Please LORD, Help Me To Know, That EVERYTHING I Say and Do, Will Follow Them As They Grow.

The Piles Of Dishes, The Mountains Of Clothes, The Chaotic-ness Of Clutter and Messes That Constantly Arise, All The Mundane Tasks and My Ever Growing TO-Do Lists, Seems So Overwhelming, Never-Ending and Impossible To Get Done, Please LORD, Help Me (To) Tend To Those.

I Know I’m NOT Perfect and I WILL Have Some Bad Days, But I Truly and Wholeheartedly Love and Adore My Family, I Show Them In These Ways.

I’m NOT Just A Homemaker, NOR Just A Stay At Home Mom and Wife, I DON’T Just Cook and Clean, I Make This House A HOME, and My Work Is ALWAYS SEEN.

In The Meals I DAILY Prepare and The Floors That I Constantly Sweep and Mop, To The Kisses and Snuggles I Give, Down To The Fights That I Stop. 

In My DAILY CONSTANT PRAYERS, For and Over, My Sweet Husband, Precious Children and Home, I Cover Them Constantly, No Matter Where They May Go.

But It's NOT In Vain, See, I LOVE What I Do, LORD, I’m FOREVER Thankful and Grateful To YOU.

Please LORD, Help Me To Do It To My Very Best, and To ALWAYS Do It ALL For YOU.


Love Always and GOD Bless Ya'll 💕🙏
Stephanie XoXoXoXoxoxoxoxo
The Blackburns Fam


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